
United Body of CHRIST Church is an online ministry, where people can get to know GOD through HIS only begotten SON, the LORD JESUS CHRIST!  We are a Word- based ministry with a strong focus on faith, family and your walk with our SOVERIGN GOD through a better understanding of the bible which is HIS WORD, and a sense of the depth of HIS love for us.  Everyone is welcome! It's our desire to create a space where people can have biblical authentic encounters with CHRIST, discover their gifts and use them for GOD's glory. Join us for our weekly recordings!

This Week's Bible Study

Ecclesiastes 10

Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes late in his life. He had become aware of the mistakes that he made throughout his life and began to document them. The purpose of Ecclesiastes is to enlighten future generations of the suffering and misery of seeking after foolish, meaningless, materialistic emptiness. Solomon's conclusion is that everyone will eventually die and all the deeds of man are vanity and empty without GOD, our obedience must be to GOD alone.